The Best Two Years

Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27 Letter

Hey y'all! What's up? Glad to hear everything's going good that way, nice to know. we had a busy week which is way good. We had exchanges with the assistants which was cool. We were able to set 2 baptismal dates with people this week which was way sweet. The one guy is just golden but the only problem is that he is sick a lot because he is recovering from a heart attack. Anywase, that was cool. But ya, we had some pretty cool teaching experiences this week. One of them was when we were leaving a less active members house and Elder Clark heard a lady crying (I couldn't hear it because you know I'm because I'm deaf, so it's a good thing he is serving with me, haha) and he was like "Elder, should we go talk to her?" and I was like "Uh, ya!" so we did. It was wau cool becuase we told her that we felt prompted and inspired to come and see her and that we were represetatives of Jesus Christ, and then she started crying and opended up to us. This was Elder Clark's first time ever experiencing this, so he was kinda scared, so I kinda did most of the talking. Basically we taught her that she was a daughter of God and that Jesus christ knew what she was going through (she was having a lot of problems with her family and other things and was very devastated). You could tell she appreciated it and that she knew that God loved her no matter what, you know. Anywase, it was way cool. we are going back to see her on Saturday. But ya, there have been a lot of miracles happening here. So everbody is excited, it's cool, I like it. But ya, you know how my patriarchal blessing says how my work ethic will inspire my companions, well, Elder Clark is kind of a layed back missionary and he has never jumped 6 feet (meaning teaching 40 lessons a week or getting 140 otm's which are street contacts) so he was relly excited, I saw him change you know, he became more dilligent. So it was way cool. We worked really hard and saw a lot of miracles and that made him excited too. He told me that his faith grew this week. So it's been a rewarding past couple of weeks. Anywase, I might need some money for some new pants because some of my pants are just falling apart now and it's only been in the last week, and I don't care what you say, I still feel bad. But they have a Stage retail store, it's like a TJ Maxx you know, so they have nice name brand clothes for discount prices a lot like a JC Penney. So I figured I'd just buy some pants there, they should last a couple more months. Anywase, I will talk to ya later. Ok, thanks for everything. By.

Loves, Elder Silcock

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