The Best Two Years

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 9 Letter

hahahahahahahahahahahahah!!! I knew it hahaha! Just tell Dad I told him so!! It may not be the Bishop, but hey, Second Counselor will do, haha! Anywase that's awesome. (Bob was put in our Ward Bishopric on Sunday)
Well, it was a good week for us too! Ernie Sylvan got baptised finally, so we are way excited. So Elder Woodward got to perform a baptism on his b-day! And it was cool because when Ernie came out of the water he just couldn't stop smiling and the same thing at Church, he was tellin' everyone he was getting confirmed today! So anywase, sounds like things are going good back home and so what's gonna happen to the shop, because I can't see it keepin' up with all those jobs! Are they gonna hire more people or what! Anywase, let me know who the new Stake Presidency is and how Elder Oaks' talk was. I always miss out on the big General Authorites, oh well, some day I guess. Well that about covers our week and oh Elder Woodward got your package and really appreciated it, he says thank you! Anywase I will talk to ya later and look for your letter in the mail by!

Loves, Elder Silcock

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